
Banking services

Banking: open a French bank account

Non-European students need a French bank account during the period of the study. Non-European students (and European students if they wish to) may ask University Jean Monnet to support them in this process. Our partner, BNP Paribas, offers to our students advantageous terms and conditions (the opening of the account and the visa card, operating costs and banking insurance will be free of charge during the 2 years of the Programme). Note that your account will not be benefiting from any overdraft facilities.

This account is needed for us to disburse the scholarship you’ve been awarded when applicable, and in any case to allow you to have means of payments during the all period of the study (the visa card can be used in all hosting countries of the Programme). Upon your formal agreement, we request a early (before your arrival in France) opening of the account that allow us to disburse the first installment of your scholarship as soon as possible. Formal contract is then made upon arrival during the inception week. You can contract an home insurance from BNP Paribas as well if needed.

= > Agree to benefit from this service in your letter of commitment and we’ll send your IBAN before arrival.