MLDM (Machine Learning and Data Mining) is an international master program of University Jean Monnet (UJM) . It leads to the award of the French national master degre in Computer Science as well as the University Diploma in Machine Learning and Data Mining of the University Jean Monnet.
MLDM provides an original scientific position in Europe on problems related to machine learning, big data, pattern recognition, classification, modelling, knowledge extraction and data mining. These issues have a strong employability potential for students trained in the fields of data science, prediction, data analysis or decision support, as well as in the area of the Web, image and video processing, health informatics, fraud and anomaly detection, etc.
Courses are taught in English and are structured according to the European Credit Transfer System with 120 credits over four semesters of full-time studies.
Applicants with at least a BSc degree level (180 ECTS) or equivalent, in computer science, statistics, mathematics or equivalent are invited to apply. International students’ applications are very welcome (see Mobility Grants) and the selection committee will assess the equivalence for admission to the Master MLDM.
Thanks to several Erasmus agreements signed with foreign institutions (in Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Austria, etc.), MLDM students will have the opportunity to spend the third semester abroad in Universities that offer closely related master programs in Machine Learning and Data Mining. Among them:
- Universidad de Alicante (Spain) - Master in Artificial Intelligence (double degree agreement).
- Katholieke Universteit Leuven (Belgium) - Master in Computer Science (AI track).
- Universiteit Leiden (Netherlands) - Master in Computer Science.
- University of Freiburg (Germany) - Master in Computer Science (Cognitive Technical Systems & Information Systems tracks).
- University of Torino (Italy) - Master in Stochastics and Data Science
- Technische Universitat Wien (Austria) - Master in Visual Computing
The MSc in Computer Science – Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLMD) is part of the MANUTECH SLEIGHT Graduate School, a unique integrated research and training program in the fields of light-surfaces engineering covering main topics at the core knowledge of each discipline and at the interface of Optics-Photonics, Surface engineering, Image and Computer Science and Health Engineering.
Integrating the Manutech SLEIGHT Graduate School is a great opportunity for master students. They will learn on a dynamic site in Saint-Etienne (France) recognised at the highest international level in these research domains. Students will have large possibilities to carry out internships in collaboration with recognised laboratories or companies, they will participate and be actors of the SLEIGHT Science Events (a biannual and multidisciplinary event where they will discover the state of the research in the MANUTECH SLEIGHT’s domains and build their network). The Graduate School also offers attractiveness scholarships and mobility grants.

Video introducing the MLDM master programme